Community Partners

Building a creative community, together! 

Forming a creative and engaged community takes collaboration, partnership, and inspiration. We’re proud to partner with dedicated organizations who are passionate about building an enriching and artistic atmosphere in our community. Join us as we work together to create a more vibrant community through art. Contact for more info.

Baltimore Hunger Project: feeding bodies and minds

Baltimore Hunger Project 

Since 2019, Social Studio has partnered with the Baltimore Hunger Project, making encouragement notes and craft packs that get distributed with the food bags Baltimore Hunger Project provides for children in the Baltimore community. Our partnership has given Social Studio opportunities to think and act creatively making a positive impact in our community.

FELP logo

FELP (First English Lutheran Preschool)

Fall 2020 – Spring 2021
Social Studio designed a series of weekly virtual interactive art lessons for the school’s Home Engagement Program during the months of Covid quarantine. Kids and parents logged on to be part of this innovative creative community for half hour lessons to make art, learn about artists, and share ways to be creative at home while connecting with each other online.

Grace Preschool

Grace Preschool

Social Studio teamed up with Grace Preschool to teach art during the months of the Covid crisis in spring 2021. Elaina Dance from Social Studio was a guest teacher in the school for 10 weeks implementing the Art Opposite Book – a specially designed “sketchbook” curriculum for pre-k and kindergarten that teaches the art elements through opposites. This program permitted the continuity of arts education in the school in a safe, community-minded manner while building confidence, language, and skill development for its learners.


WFG Studio Logo

Whitney Frazier Studio

Social Studio collaborated with Whitney Frazier Studio in 2023 to design a Roland Park Community Mural. The design process included workshops for kids, teens, and adults to create an imaginative, communal scene describing how it feels to be part of the Roland Park Community – a meeting place, welcoming diversity, empathy, and connection. These ideas were shared with Roland Park Civic League and have been presented to Eddie’s for approval.

Women's Daily Post

Women’s Daily Post

The release of Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross’s new book “Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us” tells us what artists have always known, and researchers are now proving – the arts, in all its forms, amplify physical and mental health, learning, and flourishing and build stronger communities. Even one art experience a month can enhance health and well being!

Starting spring 2023, Women’s Daily Post and Social Studio partnered to host a monthly creative experience for adults. This very popular event is now called Wine&Art Wednesday. Click here to see what is on the schedule this year!

What our students (and parents) have to say

This is my favorite two hours of the week! Genie opens the session with a group warm-up that is both fun and instructional. Then, the participants can work on projects of their choice. If you're not sure what you want to do, or how to do it, Genie guides you. As you work, you feel supported and by your fellow artists. The sense of community is second only to the spirit of creativity at Social Studio.

Elated Adult Student

It’s so much more than an art class. She had them engaging with science, nature and geography. They were singing songs. My daughter was bubbling over with pride after class. When she draws with us she is easily discouraged that she can’t draw like an adult. With social studio the projects are age appropriate and she is able to engage with peers. As a fellow arts educator I’m super impressed.

Happy Parent

Love that it was interactive. I wasn't sure if my daughter would be allowed to talk during the class because of the size but, she was able to talk and show her art work. I was very impressed. The teacher is very enthusiastic and you can tell she genuinely loves her job.

Diana B.

Lila has absolutely loved this class! Being exposed to different types of media and techniques while getting to explore an inspiring artist has been a wonderful experience for her. Genie is awesome and — even at a (Social) distance — has built a relationship with all of the students and a sense of camaraderie. What a fabulous experience!

Happy Parent

Go to Social Studio Baltimore for all your kid and adult art making needs! R made this treehouse playground in a mere two hours this morning. Genie Arnot is such an amazing teacher and she has put together a beautiful studio that makes art accessible to everyone.

Happy Parent

Genie, congrats on accomplishing a such meaningful feat. With art, we can feel the ground move beneath our feet and the air more oxygenated. You’ve given the community a dedicated place to grow and daydream. You’re amazing!! Go on!

Social Studio Enthusiast 

You taught me negative space, how to draw faces and many more really cool things! Most of all you showed me how to connect to other people and things and that is really powerful.

Art Student

Being a student in your class is a gift that we are so thankful for.

Grateful Parent 

I could not let this year end without telling you how grateful I am that you were Avelynn's art teacher for four years. She sees herself as an artist and a problem solver because you expect them all to be.

Proud Parent

Thank you for being a wonderful art teacher! I loved art classes with you!

Happy Student


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